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International Women's Day

Updated: Apr 15, 2021

Hello Ladies, Monday 8th March 2021 is International Women's Day and as a group of accomplished ladies, it's important to participate in our own way and show support to the theme of the year: #ChooseToChallenge and the HOPSA 99 theme #HOPSA99CelebratingWomensAchievements. More information on the global theme is available at the IWD website.

The HOPSA 99 Executives are proposing a photo activity to commemorate this day. To do this, we need the active participation of as many of you as possible. We need you to:

1 - Take a picture with your hand held up

2 - Kindly forward the picture to the President or Organizing Secretary by noon on 7th March to enable us to put them together for Monday.

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